A perfect skincare regimen

So I know I published a post yesterday but just came across this amazing skin care routine  that I thought i’d share with all you ladies out there. Seriously, it’s like a go to grid to attain that perfect skin that you’ve always wanted. Do check it out and if you can, try to stick as close to it as you can. I know I will! At least I’ll try. I hope.

I don’t know about you all, but I have been really negligent as far as proper skin care is concerned. And a good, healthy skin is all one needs. I don’t really care much about the hype around looking young, it’s looking healthy that counts the most I believe and a good skin regimen goes a long way in assuring that. 

I’m sure we’ll be able to get most of the prescribed things from any major store around here. But even if we can’t find a couple out of all these, i’m sure the few that we will end up getting will be better than the nothing we usually use.

Below is the chart I came across at Good Housekeeping today.


So let’s get all the stuff ready for us to finally begin taking care of our skin. And let’s hope it actually works!

Good Luck!

By Maasi Wajo



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